24 Nine Mile Point (ON 18)
June 23, 2008
latitude 44º 9' 5.5" N
longitude 76º 32' 55.2" W

In Kingston Ontario, follow Highway 2 (Princess St.) to the end (Ontario St.). Turn left and then right at the Wolfe Island Ferry. The car ferry is free. Take the ferry to Wolfe Island. Exit the ferry in Marysville onto Highway 95 and make an immediate right onto Highway 96. Drive 3.5 miles and turn right onto a gravel road at the cable ferry dock to Simcoe Island. Take the very small cable ferry to Simcoe Island. (There is a fee for the cable ferry.) From there, follow Simcoe Island's only main road to the lighthouse.  The land is private, so bring your long lens, or ask permission for access.

  Nine Mile Point

