Lighthouses of Lake Michigan

5 Squaw Island (MI 41)
May 7, 2005 (Mother's Day eve)
(latitude 45º 50' 21.5" N
longitude 85º 35' 16.8" W

This picture is from a GLLKAw1 tour  that Marnie and I took the Saturday before Mother's day.  The morning was foggy, the entire day was cold, but we had a fun tour.  This picture is taken with "the long lens", and then digitally zoomed to get me close enough that you can see it  The water is very shallow, and this was as close as we could get the boat.

Building started in 1892 and the light was lit October 10, 1892.  The light was deemed obsolete in 1928.  Private owners are responsible for most of the renovations to date.

Squaw Island  
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